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  1. What are your specs?
  2. Down... What a supprise.
  3. Also, If bob isn't going to activate accounts in 24 hours then he shouldnt have said it would take 24 hours in the email.
  4. When I run my site i get the error " No child nodes allowed here. (node name: pages) ()"? The site is war833.heliohost.org if you want to see it. How can I fix this?
  5. Ok, I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were on vacation.
  6. Your account will be validated when djbob gets to it, s'all. Well don't say in the email that it will be activated in 24 hours then.
  7. Hello, It's been a day and my account hasn't been validated yet , do you have any idea as to when it will be validated? Thanks.
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