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Everything posted by znatok

  1. Searh is rulez... djbob, he is the mainest guy here, told many times about that. Ads will work some day. djbob works at this problem. You shouldn't do anything for that, so relax. If you want to set up your own advertisements (Google or smth else), you are welcome.
  2. Hi! I'm new at Heliohost and English is not my native language. Our site real4ever.heliohost.org and cpanel are not accessible for a week, "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded". I thought, this message would dissapear on January 1st, at the beginning of the new month, but it doesn't. FTP works. When our site will be working? And one more thing, our month traffic usage counter always is set to 0.
  3. You should put index.php (or index.htm) to the public_html.
  4. Excuise me for troubles. I've already solved this problem using iconv(), as long as xml_parse() does not support cp1251 encoded XML. Good luck to everybody!
  5. Hello everybody. I installed RSS parser script. It gets XML file from the remote server and saves it at the cache. When I run the script at home it works fine. But here at Heliohost xml_parse() returns error code "not well-formed (invalid token)". One of the XML files is http://real.znatoki.org.ua/infusions/rss_p...0967547fc21.txt . Can anyone help me please?
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