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Everything posted by PYO

  1. I don't know. Mine works fine But I think it must work for everyone. At least I saw other users db's (it's turned off now). PS And I swear there is no logging for username/password in this installation. But if you are afraid of security don't use it! PPS djbob. Can you copy this installation on your account? So I can try to login there.
  2. Hi! If someone still have problems with phpPgAdmin, I have workaround: http://pyo.heliohost.org/phpPgAdmin-4.2/ Use your cPanel username/password.
  3. Well, it's down on 14.11.2007 17:13:37 GMT
  4. PYO


    No. Some are simple db driven user access control. Other autocount updates, so I don't need to have use 'count(...)' sql command. Abuses to server are: - more memory needed for executing php script, - more sql commands and results passing between script and db. They are not very big, but...
  5. PYO


  6. PYO


    Well... 1. I will not lock my table if I'll use it. 2. There is many other ways to abuse db server: for example expensive SQL queries.
  7. PYO


    My research shows thet only on PostreSQL 8.1 or higher it is possible to use CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql; to make it enabled for a db. In other versions you can only ask admin to make it availible. Will you ever upgrade to 8.1+ ver?
  8. PYO


    Bad. It's not dangerous at all. I need some of them to make triggers (i.e. when you add record in one table the trigger adds record to another table). Thi is from PgSQL docs: Any help?
  9. Can I use 'plpgsql' language in my PostgreSQL? In phpPgAdmin I didn't find it. I need it for some triggers in db. It can be done in psql by command: createlang plpgsql pyohost_ph; Thanks.
  10. Thanks!
  11. And again ... It don't work. PS I didn't recieve any confirmation e-mail for my account, so is it any info on Postgresql configuration or adding ads? account pyohost
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