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  1. oh crap, lol, that would explain why the password reset email for my acct never came in.
  2. My web folders have been empty since your last post and I used a random character generator to make new email account passwords that yielded 100% security strength on cpanel (and haven't sent any email), yet I once again cannot access my site. Has it been suspended/banned again?
  3. thanks. doing it now changed email passes to 100% strength and cleared out www folder, having issues deleting two php settings files from drupal in the www folder, getting permission denied, tried enabling write, still couldn't delete
  4. ok i'm ready to wipe the site
  5. no, i have to step out right now and want to take care of all that first. will just wipe out everything since i'm going to rebuild the site from scratch. havent made any changes in a long time on the site so i doubt it's a back door, probably email got hacked, so i'll have to change all those passes too. will post again when ready.
  6. someone has hacked my site then i'm not doing this. the site wasn't even functional due to drupal errors. how to proceed?
  7. Hi I've been suspended and no idea why.
  8. thanks, bookmarked
  9. Hi I missed my login by a few days can I get restored or do I have to start over?
  10. Bet that was fun. It should only ever need to be the other way around, porting forward for updated versions. When I declare worldwide fascism and myself the sole dictator, it shall be done. >:-}
  11. You mean software like frameworks using deprecated functions? Ok I understand maintaining backward compatibility, not sure why the php development team has to deprecate highly used functions to create such havoc. I swear, trying to program in php is about as annoying as developing for Android in terms of having to cater to the lowest supported version. *sigh*
  12. Versions seem a bit dated since 5.5 stable was released over 2 years ago and 5.6 almost a year now. I fully realize the caution a host must take in adopting updated versions, but in contrast, Helio's appeal to me originally was that it touted itself as more of a testing ground for web programmers rather than just an alternative to paid hosting. Any chance of 5.6 appearing on a server in the near future?
  13. thx. yeah, noticed that and turned off the checkbox for guest acct requests. some more emails were sent but have stopped now. what is the email limit for future reference?
  14. it is a problem w/the drupal i installed. i am not sending any emails. there are a bunch of requests for accounts that are probably coming from bots, and the drupal sends an automated reply. i am taking off the drupal. it sucks anyway.
  15. I can't log into cpanel or click the link to reactivate or receive an email regarding pending suspension, as have all happened in the past. How do I reactivate? noticed i misread format for this posting. anyway, username is lladnar main domain is lladnar.com i think my server is Stevie, not sure since i cant login. i have a free account
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