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  1. username: vkszeto server: Stevie Domain: scp-hk.com
  2. It is okay now. Thank you so much!
  3. I cannot log into the cpanel so had requested to reset my password however I did not receive any reset e-mails. Please help to check reset the password for my account. Username: vkszeto domain: scp-hk.com server: stevie
  4. Username: vkszeto Server: Stevie Domain: scp-hk.com
  5. Username: vkszeto Server: Stevie Domain: scp-hk.com
  6. Username: vkszeto Server: Stevie Domain: scp-hk.com
  7. Username: vkszeto Server: Stevie Domain: scp-hk.com
  8. Username: vkszeto Server: Stevie Domain: scp-hk.com
  9. It happen the third time in one months... my site was deleted and I have to re-build it again and again...
  10. Hi, the problem was fixed and my web page works properly. Thanks for all your help~
  11. Hi, here it is. http://www.heliohost.org/home/
  12. vkszeto Stevie scp-hk.com I just rebuilt the website a week before and my account was deleted just a week after with unknown reason. I had logged into cPanel last week so could anyone help to check what's wrong with it? It's difficult for me to keep an eye always if the web page properly and log into the cPanel everyday... ((
  13. My account had been created for few months and the website works without any problem before. I am able to log into cPanel before but now it cannot be success and saying the username could not find in the database. What should I do or where I can post my question? Thanks
  14. Username: vkszeto Server: Stevie Domain: scp-hk.com
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