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  1. I almost know where the problem is. Please help reactive my account, I will fix the problem soon. Thank you.
  2. Does it mean my forum sent too much emails? Thanks.
  3. Username: deftsys Server: stevie Domain: www.hostingmatrix.org Account Is Suspended, please help active. And could you please tell the reason, it will help me avoiding being suspensed next time. Thank you.
  4. It's ok now, thank you.
  5. I got the same error, it seems the disk is full. Disk /dev/sda6 (/tmp) 100 % Disk /dev/sda1 (/) 96 % Disk /dev/sda3 (/usr) 92 %
  6. Being queued? I tried to check the status through http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/status/ But it shows "Either we could not find that account in the database, or it has already become active. If you're seeing an "Account Queued" page, please wait an additional 24 hours. If you aren't seeing anything, please refresh your browser's cache." I can log into the cpanel now, how can I see whether it's still being queued or has been activated? thanks.
  7. Hi, just now filed a wrong deletion from the following script: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete I didn't mean to delete the account, just want to check whether my account has been set ok. Could you please help cancel the deletion, my account on heliohost is "deftsys". Thanks.
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