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Everything posted by Amythe

  1. Naw. Not only is it a dangerous sport in the first place, but they're really big entertainers. Tens of millions of people watch them every week, and it's a huge investment opportunity for a lot of businesses, and as such, the marketing world needs them. They're paid a fine amount of money.
  2. I have a dog named Woody (After Woodstock), and she's a German Sheppard/Chihuahua mix.
  3. I played it a few months ago at my friends' house. It seemed a bit primitive in the MMO aspect, but otherwise it was really fun.
  4. I wasn't really all that frazzled by the touch screen. It's a cool feature, but is it worth the extra $100 over a PDA with a phone attatched? It's also not very friendly as a phone in general. It'd be cool, I wouldn't turn one down for even $350 or so, but... $450-600? That's far too much.
  5. I have both. My desktop computers are wired into a wired network, but I hung a wireless network off the fourth port with a passover cable so I could have wireless for my laptops. I hate wireless for desktop computers, because of the random disconnecting due to interference and such, but it's good when you have laptops that you don't use for hardcore gaming.
  6. Well... Transformers. Spiderman 3 was sort of weak in a lot of ways. Like, if I didn't read the comics, I don't think I would have picked up on the fact that resonant sound waves are Venom's only weakness. Transformers, however, was lame enough to be funny, but not too lame to be a good action movie.
  7. Do you mean music where you can buy and then download it? There's probably not much a bigger library than iTunes, but a lot of the bigger record labels (Hell, even Cordless does) have that ability to buy their bands' songs and download it. If you mean the best online stores, where they still actually ship you the CD, then Amazon for the more popular acts and CDBaby is my favorite for more underground music.
  8. Calculator Overflow error.
  9. Haha, oh man. That's the greatest way to show report card grades ever.
  10. What exactly would constitute an "Able" decision? Able is when you can make a decision comfortably and deal with the consequences, no matter whether the decision was right or wrong. But people make decisions whether they're able to deal with the consequences or not... and I think everyone does this. It's probably the point when they do make a decision and can't deal with the consequences that they can finally make decisions on their own responsibly.
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