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  1. Hey djbob, I too have taken up lappy's offer. Sorry .
  2. djbob, you started the move, now you have to finish it... I want to work on my site, but the URL doesn't work (so I can't access anything with the link fixed to the original URL) and all of the images are gone when I access it through the helionet URL...
  3. WAHOOOOOO! ADIOS MYSCRNNM, AVEDERCHE (SP?), CIAO, ETC!!!! Not an all-caps post .
  4. Uh, you did Genesis? YIPPIE!!!! POST NUMBER 500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. When monkeys fly out of your hind-end.
  7. You are both spamming by neocromancing on this thread...
  8. I will get an Airsoft gun and try that next time my cat comes tearing through my room @ 2AM to look out the window because there's another cat outside (I have a corner room, so two windows...) .
  9. That's a nice feature that vBull includes as well .
  10. It's just another retarded pyramid scheme... Probably illegal too .
  11. You two, this is your first and final warning. Please do not spam and neocromance.
  12. Hey Wayne, Have you read the HN Spam Guide and FAQ? If you havn't you should, because it will tell you what is considered spam and what is banned, like your last post. Ryan
  13. Hey Wayne . Please don't neocromance, this was an old topic and didn't need to be revived .
  14. It looks too much like the KL theme .
  15. Sorry to bump, didn't realize this was here. Eagle Strike for sure . The other books are pale in comparison.
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