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  1. user: angelusi server: steve domain: fantasiagames.com.ar
  2. My site: FantasiaGames.com.ar Spanish site about my hobbies, programming, web desing and anothers things. HTML5, for now only works on the news webbrowsers. It is unfinished, especially the compatibility part with old navigators.
  3. Cordoba, Argentina
  4. Hi, My real name is Charly and i am from Argentina. I am a chemical engineer student (just 1 more test and the final project) and my hobby is programming and web desing. I have worked on the xnova (differents spanish versions) opensource project and now i am making a few plugins for flatpress (Flatpress Playground)(a blogging system without database, just flat files) and translating (not literal) a few python tutorials to spanish. My siteFantasia Games do not have a lot of visits, but i keep the site updated. i just signed to HelioHost after a lot of time on another free host, and i have to say that helio Host is amazing. (i am using steve) Not just the faster load speed of my web, and the cpanel with so many software to install (i did not know the half of what you offer). The most attractive feature of HelioHost is the diversity of programming languages ​​and features enabled in them. I did not change the host of my site before because I expected to finish learning python and django, but due to problems with my previous host I had to change now . I do not know the HelioHost team, but keep working just like you are doing now. i have two question, 1.- on steve is Python enabled? 2.- For the admins of the servers. I now that wordpress use a lot of cpu and ram if you use the normal needed plugins (SEO, Cache, Sitemaps...). I want to ask if it is better a good django (or python) powered site with similar features of wordpress or PHP use less ressources. I could help with php, mysql, html questions on spanish, but the forums do not have internationals sections. Sorry if my english is bad. Best Regars, Charly
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