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  1. postfre1@johnny.heliohost.orgplease unarchived
  2. thanks a lot for your support
  3. Please remove the throttle, it was trying to find out what it could be. I will now make sure that no more than these 50 per day mails are ever sent
  4. I have not sent a mass email,only one status mail to 2 recipients This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of itsrecipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: xxxxxx@web.de Domain postfre.heliohost.org has exceeded the max emails per hour (2/1 (200%)) allowed. Message discarded. xxxxxx@online.de Domain postfre.heliohost.org has exceeded the max emails per hour (2/1 (200%)) allowed. Message discarded.
  5. Hello suportteam, my account postfre2@ricky.heliohost.org have limited sending to 1 email per hour. please remove 1 email sending per hour "Domain postfre.heliohost.org has exceeded the max emails per hour (1/1 (100%)) allowed. Message will be reattempted later"
  6. Hello Customer Service my account is inactive, please unarchive Postfre1 BR
  7. Hello, my account Postfre1 is archived, please unarchive. Thanks
  8. Hi, my Accounts is Archives, Please activate it. Posfreg
  9. Hello Support, please unarchived my account user: postfre mail: chicero@web.de BR
  10. please unarchive my account postfreggle@googlemail.com
  11. Please unarchived my Account, Username is postfreg, email postfreggle.googlemail.com
  12. Hello, my account ist suspended, please activate www.postfre1.heliohost.org user: postfre1
  13. Hello, My account 'postfreg' has been archived due to inactivity. I would like to use it again, please unarchive it, BR
  14. please keep the postfreg account, other delete
  15. a. postfreg b. stevie c. postfreg.heliohost.org My account have been suspended by no reason. unlock my account, please.
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