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Everything posted by agaz

  1. isn't GM put some "watermark" or credit in every game you made with it? correct me if i'm wrong
  2. wew, really? how many ppl did you refer? and how many months did you have to wait? i heard you must refer 20++ people and wait about 3 weeks so they can vaildate your prize
  3. it seems we can see the future when having a deja vu, i wonder if we can remember exactly what was on dejavu then we would anticipate anything that'd happen, right?
  4. anyone mod their SE phone? *cid 36 + 49 such as k750, w800, w810 is FULLY supported * well let's share your list of mods here ok let me be the first one here : w810 black 15++ flash files blackice wow II acoustic sarmad 5.7 camera driver thin fonts layout black battery + signal indicator patch lock keypad patch move sys files to other no java permission small sms fonts
  5. hahah of course we all prefer broadband or cable, anything faster than dialup, but i'm using dial up rite now and it's irritating just to upload a 1mb of zip files! =P
  6. well it might be not real Issas.exe, instead a virus using lssas as its name, "I" and "l" is different, rite?
  7. i'd choose itunes, cause it supports synchronization with ipods, display album art, list all artists name and their albums, and i like it search features *soo fast*, and it's id tag editor is easy to use
  8. i prefer macromedia flash mx
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