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Posts posted by vol7ron

  1. Hey guys, it seems kind of odd that it would be permanently deleted in that short period of time. I travel a lot (sometimes months at a time) and while I think it's great that inactive accounts are being removed to free up space, I am quite upset that I didn't at least receive a notification email. At least then I could try to log in from my phone or something.


    This is quite upsetting, especially given the hoops I had to jump through to get Perl modules installed and Postgres/CPanel updated. Well, the hoops weren't really as big as just waiting for it to happen (fortunate that it did happen relatively quickly), but still, I feel like I at least partly contributed to that effort, so would have received at least some courteous notification.


    If my account has been deleted, I might as well just go to some paid service elsewhere. I appreciate all the help, but the server's uptime wasn't ideal, and I don't want to risk things getting deleted again.


    if it helps the web address was something like: ceedew.heliohost.org

  2. What does borealtrek mean? I could see you splitting up the boreal and trek with bolding or colors, but this focuses on the typography. I don't mind what you have, it's clean, nice, and attractive. If you want a logo, you should define what borealtrek means, or focus on the letter 'B' to make an image/text-based logo.





  3. Actually Opera is in my opinion the best of all the browsers for web design as it can be set to do nothing but treat the page as a new page.



    There are other forms of caching that occur too, but one of the more popular ones that isn't listed at the site is through a proxy. You also have local firewalls that have caching mechanisms built in, but there are many places where cached versions occur. I would also add that just because a browser says its cleared its cache does not make it true, especially since there are a lot of bugs that have been opened around that topic alone.


    Finally, I would not say any browser is better for web design, since you should build for your users and the major browsers right now are IE/FF/Safari/Chrome. Opera, while a nice browser, is used by few when compared to the entire population. Now, if your community which you are trying to reach use primarily Opera, then so be it. From a personal perspective, I try to design for all browsers; however, I use FF as my debugging browser.

  4. I also noticed there being a cache-ing problem when using Chrome. I'm not sure about Opera or other gecko based browsers (I think Mozilla was pretty good about clearing the cache). Even when I empty'd the Chrome cache it still wasn't loading correctly (I mostly noticed this when I set up my page for the first time).


    Krydos, we might want to contact xaav and ashoat and see if the Postgres/Perl updates are negatively effecting the server. I don't think they are, but I suggested they be updated and I would hate to be the reason why Stevie is a little more temperamental.

  5. I put this under the site suggestions some time ago, but haven't heard anything about it. I'd like to get Catalyst or MojoLicious installed. They are both popular perl frameworks that make it easy to sessionize and build templates websites.


    The only alternative I can use is the dated CGI module family.

  6. Just wanted to point out that the password isn't "YES," it's just whether he is using a password or not.


    Ahh good catch :)


    I see no need to delete any information for the following reasons:


    The part of the username released is generic (this format is used on all accounts @ HH) and it is my cPanel username, which is required to be posted anyway.

    The script path is also generic (all HH accounts are located at /home or /home1 and all website documents are in the public_html folder) and the rest of the path is used to navigate to the page in your web browser (the URL that is also required as an example for the error)


    So you're exposing what's known only to HH members, to the rest of the internet, regardless of it's commonality with other CPanel/LAMP installs? And now, I see you are adding more information. I was trying to be helpful, but I am sort of taking your denial as a challenge. Am I correct?

  7. Access denied for user 'iceitsup_*'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/iceitsup/public_html/Other/Customers/howardstreet/index.php on line 8


    You should never reveal this much information. I now know where your script is, what your username is (or shaped like), and what password you're attempting. In addition, you gave me the database type and location.


    I think this whole thread should be deleted for security.

  8. My cron script is legal the way it's set up. We are allowed 2 cron runs a day, but we can have 50 cron jobs if we want, just as long as only 2 out of that 50 get run in a 24 hour period. So with my script, I'm just using one of my allowed two cron runs and using it to run 7 tasks, each one on a different day of the week. I clean out several folders on my site and a few other things via cron. You could actully go to the cron manager and set it up that way, but it would be more of a pain to figure out the days and different times. I've even written one that will run a cron task for each day of the month, but I don't have enough tasks to use it.


    Byron, please don't take offense to what I said. Yes your script is set up legally, but I think users here will abuse this.

    Essentially, you're suggesting to set up your own scheduler because of the limit that is imposed. Imagine if I did this:

    1. run a script that runs every minute of every day
    2. the script parses what time it is and runs certain programs based on what time it is

    Sure I'd be running one script, which follows heliohosts rules, but it calls multiple other scripts on a schedule, circumventing the rules that cron is trying to restrict. In programming terms, this is called a "wrapper." I think the sole reason of imposing the restrictions is to reduce the impact the scripts are imposing on the server, so if we created our own scheduler, we would be getting around this limitation and hurting the server.


    As for your post, I was saying that instead of having different scripts for each day of the week, you could just run one script at the same time every day, which runs different functions based on what day/time it is.

  9. I guess I just don't understand the logic of blaming some downtime today on someone who was running a script 65 days ago on a server with thousands of accounts.


    Ahh see, you took it for fact, when it was intended to be humorous. Though, if the servers are set up right, it could be true. One person would be able to cause a crash, but I have a feeling ashoat would be on the banffensive in those cases.

  10. QUOTE (njaohnt @ Sep 19 2011, 08:11 PM)

    It can byron.



    If nobody here at helionet can show you how, try this forum.




    I'm sure if it can be done, somebody there will know how. If you come up with a solution, please post it back here in this thread.



    No need to go elsewhere, I can help you out.


    Your problem is this line:

    var c = [t.getHours, t.getMinutes, t.getSeconds];


    You're storing the function reference and not the result. You should call the functions (add parentheses):

    var c = [t.getHours(), t.getMinutes(), t.getSeconds()];


    It's "NaN" because you then calculate c[0]-j[0] which translates to "t.getHours"-12 (or some other number), so when you do a calcuation of a non-number string minus a number, it'll result to NaN. if you store the result of t.getHours() in c[0], the calculation would be two numbers (eg 9-8)


    Note: I didn't do the work for you, I only removed the NaN bug, you'll have to debug your code to get it to work:


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
     <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 11 February 2007), see www.w3.org" />
     <script type="text/javascript">
     function d() 
       var j = [ <?php echo idate("H"); ?> , <?php echo idate("i"); ?> , <?php echo idate("s"); ?> ];
       var t = new Date();
       var c = [t.getHours(), t.getMinutes(), t.getSeconds()];
       var a = [c[0] - j[0], c[1] - j[1], c[2] - j[2]];
       var b = "After Ours";
       if (a[0] < 0) {
           a[0] = j[0] - c[0];
           b = "Before Ours";
       if (a[1] < 0) a[1] = j[1] - c[1];
       if (a[2] < 0) a[2] = j[2] - c[2];
       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
       document.getElementById("r" + i).innerHTML = a[0];
       document.getElementById("r").innerHTML = b;
       document.getElementById("t").innerHTML = "Your computer's date and time:" + Date() + "<br>Our date and time:<?php 
         $aop=" AM "; if (idate('H')>12) $aop=" PM ";
         $dow=array("Sunday ","Monday ","Tuesday ","Wednesday ","Thursday ","Friday ","Saturday ");
         if ($min<10)
         if ($sec<10)
             $sec=" 0 ".idate("s");
         echo $d[0]."".$d[1]."".$d[2]."".$d[3]."".$d[4].": ".$d[5].": ".$d[6].".".$d[7]."".$d[8];
    <body onload="d()">
     <div id="t"></div><br />
     <div id="r0"></div>h
     <div id="r1"></div>m
     <div id="r2"></div>s
     <div id="r"></div><button onclick="window.location.href='servertime.php'">Update Time</button>

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