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Everything posted by amini

  1. What is the copyrighted material?
  2. Dear Support Admins! I need full backup.
  3. OK, If there is no way to unsuspension please give me temporary access to panel to download a full backup. Thank you very much.
  4. I never used the rapidleech and web proxies in last 2 month(even in last one year)!!! It just installed! No using of them. Even one use! They are absolutely private. Not public. I wonder and be shocked about using 10% of ram. Does rapidleech or proxies consume it ?!
  5. Mr Krydos! After the second suspension I recently used host just for show some pictures(30-40) in a third-party forum . The maximum of visiting those pictures is 10-20 per day which consume 10MB bandwidth per day! No any active script or php file or any database! Just a few pics and a simple under construction html page. Please check consume of my account during 2 months ago and see that.
  6. at writing this post time: Johnny's server load: [ down ]... Please temporary active account just for backup files. It seems you limit the bandwidth of each account to 1GB even less!!!! Good bye HelioLESS !!! Thank you for your 2 years free service.
  7. Server: Stevie Domain: talaQrearoQos.com (remove "Q"s) cPanel username: amini
  8. Server: Stevie Domain: talaQrearoQos.com (remove "Q"s) cPanel username: amini
  9. Unfortunately this error came back again ! Please repair it for ever!
  10. a. amini b. Stevie c. talQareaQroos.com (remove "Q"s) Thank you
  11. Hello Mr. Xaav. Happy new year! Unfortunately this error came back when I was using Gl#y-p%e pr-o!xy. I guess this script cause the permanent Internal server error on my site. Also http://www.cl58services.co.cc/ (Mr. cl58's service site) which is on servers of Heliohost and The Gl#y-p%e pr-o!xy has been installed on it(http://proxy.cl58ser...co.cc/index.php) , has this problem too.
  12. The permanent internal error has been solved but the (about) one minute duration internal error (after editing files) still exists. So I decide to delete&re-create my account at midnight PST. Thank you for your exellent support.
  13. It is only a simple page. Please go to st.haniQ23Q.co.cc/cpanel and see error 500. I install rapid--leech st.haniQ23Q.co.cc/lch/rl2/index.php again and you can see the php script cannot been executed.
  14. Yes Do you need its password?
  15. Not solved ! Even I remove all files of public_html folder and even all files on /home1/amini/ but it steel shows error 500 for st.haniQ23Q.co.cc/cpanel or any script which be installed on host. You said that Steive is not accepting new account. Therefore could you basicly reset my account ?
  16. user: amini addon domain: st.haniQ23Q.co.cc remove "Q"s Hello My sites can not run any scripts and show error 500 on all scrips in all my account (root & sub) folders. It had this error before but only after editing any files at cpanel , error 500 occured in 1 minute duration, but now there is permanently and not stop. Also I can't access to my account by "mydomains.com/cpanel" and show error 500 too. ex: st.haniQ23Q.co.cc/cpanel . Just by "http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/" I can.
  17. I dont believe it. There were no foreign files in its folder of files.
  18. I am surprised about that! It is rapidleech installed at the folder sience about 8 months ago and I used it for downloading short clips from youtube.com privately. I leeched a few clips per day which was less than 20MB and the average of file transfered per month was about 500-800 MB. Did it take too many system resources ?! Even I use it less than before recently. Why did not it happened at 8 months ago ?
  19. server: stieve user: amini default domain: talQarearQoos.com (remove "Q"s) active domain for test: s.4tools.co.cc
  20. Support members, help !
  21. When I try to open pages of my forum this error shown: MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue. SQL Error: 1030 - Got error 28 from storage engine Query: SHOW COLUMNS FROM mybb_users LIKE 'unreadpms' I can access to my SQL database at phpmyadmin and the database and forum settings & files have not any errors and worked normally a few hours ago. server: stieve user: amini domain: Thank you
  22. I can not send / receive email. user name: amini Server name : Stevie domain : hani23.co.cc The error when sending mail: "There was an error sending your message: Failed to set sender: test@hani23.co.cc [sMTP: Failed to write to socket: not connected (code: -1, response: )]" No email recieve too. Of course the email sender does not recieve any delivery failure email from his/her email server.
  23. My user name: amini Server name : Stevie My main domain : hani23.co.cc I can log in my cpanel at 'http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/' without any problem. How can I prevent it to repeat?
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