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  1. I don't have access to e-mail I signed up with!
  2. Hi; Would you mind deleting arash.heliohost.org? I created it for someone before and now I forgot its password and don't have access to it. I need to create another account for myself.
  3. Hi; Why I can't signup on heliohost.org? I receive this error "We're sorry, but an error was encountered During signup. Please try again later." I cleared my cash. but not solved.
  4. How do I use one nameserver?
  5. Account is still queued for 1 month after sign-up! a. mtlive b. johnny c. windowslive.hopto.org
  6. My friend's account partiyan has been not setuped yet!
  7. Hi; mtlive johnny windowslive.hopto.org Please fix the issue. Thanks
  8. Not solved yet . My account is on johnny
  9. Are you sure it has been fixed? I still see queued message. His username is "partiyan" on johnny server.
  10. I think it happened again. my friend's account has this problem Something else I can login to my account but when I want to visit it I see HelioHost Account Queued message.
  11. My account created. Thank you for your fast support.
  12. I reviewed my account status today and it was: Your account is number 8 in the database, should be created by Sunday 24th of July 2011 09:52:00 AM, and should be active by Monday 25th of July 2011 03:00:00 AM. yesterday activation date was 24th when my account will setup?
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