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Everything posted by mrmoha

  1. the same with me : main domain : mrmoha.heliohost.org user name : mrmoha domain is : wwa91.com server stevie thank you .
  2. Thanks very much Mr moderator , also please solve the "500 internal server error " because i tired from it
  3. HelioHost username : mrmoha the server is : Stevie HelioHost main domain : mrmoha.heliohost.org the main domain was fine for more than one year but I found it queued today . thank you .
  4. username: mrmoha server : Stevie Main Domain : mrmoha.heliohost.org my subdomains : wp.fx1991.com wwa.fx1991.com wws.fx1991.com Thanks very much .
  5. Finally every thing is working as well ,thanks for holiohost support team and you Tjoene
  6. Everything is good except : :)
  7. Yes , i added it just now and it showing : Thanks very much sir .
  8. So , I think some one has associated MY domain with his account .
  9. it's says : Error from park wrapper: fx1991.com is owned by another user. I know I am annoying , but I like heliohost because of your honest assistant , thanks very much . Ok , I deleted hostable nameservers just now , i hop this help me .
  10. i did it , do it now please
  11. done , I'm here waiting you
  12. I know , i changed the nameservers thinking that this can be helpful and i think the nameservers doesn't related to my add on problem .
  13. the same error sir or you can change the main domain from mrmoha.heliohost.org TO fx1991.com . thanks and sorry for inconvenient
  14. Yes, pleas do do this . Yes sir , That's because my add on domain problem . So, please delete fx1991.com and reset main domain to mrmoha.heliohost.org , that's might be helpful . thanks alot .
  15. but my main domain still not mrmoha.heliohost.org not fx1991.com , Can you remove the main domain whatever was mrmoha.heliohost.org or fx1991.com , and i will configure it from the beginning ? i opened a new account , but also says fx1991.com is already configured with another user , so I will never associate my domain with heliohost.org without you help Thanks very much .
  16. yes please . I'm online for any question .
  17. hello sir and thanks for your fast reply , Addon Domain : fx1991.com Main Domain : mrmoha.heliohost.org Server : stevie waiting for you .
  18. i trying to add domain but showing already configured Please Help me and thanks advanced .
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