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  1. I am poor but with the right time and choices I was able to get all the parts affordable with my Christmas money and personal funds. Currently running: Windows 7 64-bit AMD Phenom X4 945 3.1 Ghz Random Access Memory: 4128MB Power Supply: 400Watt Regular Molex Motherboard: Asus M4a78t-e Graphics card: Geforce GTS 240 1-GB Hard Drives: 460GB Total(3 Logical Hard Drives)
  2. Their goes my backup files...
  3. I only listen to Asking Alexandria, Pendulum, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, and The Prodigy.
  4. So I want to hear, what is your favorite PHP/Text Editor? I personally use PHP Designer 8 which is an IDE and supports full PHP5, HTML5, and CSS3. To see all it's features and screenshots here is the link http://www.mpsoftware.dk/phpdesigner_features.php. What I personally like about this editor is that I can customize it's highlighting, and of course it provides organized tools to handle certain situations and debugging. It also has php and the tools to actually test run the script locally. I also use Notepad++ in certain situations but most of my work is produced using Php Designer 8. So what is your favorite editor?
  5. I prefer Firefox, firefox was excellent until it became unstable and crashed commonly, I migrated to Chrome which was true that is was excellently fast, but it's support for my features were not met in my production environment and even certain add-ons, so I went back to Firefox as Mozilla released it's 9.0 it seemed to be stable for me again.
  6. It works now, thank you for your help I really Appreciate it.
  7. Hello again, it seems it has still not worked, yesterday I went ahead and re-did the Nameserver addition in the domain panel and transferred on the Domain Transfer Script on the HelioHost Website.
  8. I commonly listen to Depeche Mode, Marilyn Manson, and Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  9. Windows 8 was developed more to lean on mobile and tablets, I can hardly imagine it being more convenient for the desktop users or such but I think their will be a way to remove the metro and continue using it as a regular desktop, I can hardly imagine it but I don't look forward to upgrading as though Windows 7 fits the best with me and works like a charm. But I believe their will be better performance for graphics, gaming, and device support in the future with Windows 8.
  10. I have attached the information that is from the co.cc domain panel and the Cpanel acknowledging the new domain but I am not sure if these domain name servers are correct. Thank you for helping me resolve this still it is not working And yes I am using Stevie.
  11. So this is one of my first post and that I am having trouble transferring a domain to my HelioHost account, I recently went ahead and transferred to www.exogengaming.co.cc and properly inserted the nameservers into the records. I have been checking the domain and it seems to not work. - I have ran ping from my command line, it says it can't find the host. - I have ran it through my web browser it returns none. I am not sure how long it will take or their is an error while transferring the domain. I would appreciate help and soon as possible to get the domain working again. -Thank you, Micafire
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