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Everything posted by media

  1. "What is your favourite domain service?" The poll should probably include the word "free" lol
  2. Sure no problem
  3. Good queston... an no it ant a bird of prey... but it loves earth worms.!!! Here a pitcher of its chest.!!! http://ptim.heliohost.org/GuessGameHeliohost/BirdChest.jpg Edit::: oK... this one is to hard for you to guess so here is a complete jpg... a baby Robin.!!! http://ptim.heliohost.org/GuessGameHelioho...irdComplete.jpg ----------------------- NEW JPG TO GUESS Below is mos of the head... an one of the eyes of a very common creature... Guess what it is.!!! http://ptim.heliohost.org/GuessGameHeliohost/Aguess.jpg I can't see the picture this is a fun game
  4. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...c=9012&st=0 On that thread, in the body it says Is the 20/50 thing a typo or what? because if its not, i don't understand that
  5. media

    Bonus Features

    Hi there, i am a new user I already love this host even though my site isn't up yet lol. Well anyway, i was on free-webhosting.com and reading the comments for heliohost, and i saw a certain comment that really caught my attention. I don't know if this is offer is old or its still up (i checked the wiki, but i guess the site is currently down or something), but it said that if you make posts you get HelioNet points or something, and you can spend your points to get bonus features for your site, like more web space. Is this true? o_O
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