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  1. Canada-Ontario Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty!
  2. http://www3.sympatico.ca/reverb/full/sfo.html there
  3. lets play games in this topic like count down or t or d. (t or d = truth or dare) lets play t or d next person that replies tells me a question i pick t so the next person that replies pick t for truth or d for dare after they ask me my question, then i answer the question, then some1 else asks or dares the person who asked me my question and then they pick t or d and......so....on.......the........game........goes
  4. man i bet thats in the US cause i am canadian and we arent ental
  5. i dont have ne problems
  6. i wish i could learn
  7. who plays sfo? i use to but then i quit.
  8. but borders dont work in an animation for me, cause then the border changes during the middle
  9. i wish i had gmail
  10. heres another sorry for the double post
  11. i think its kinda cool, i made it, its GIF :rockman:
  12. yah what light said lol
  13. who plays sk?
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