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Everything posted by tastywolf

  1. No its fine, I will seek out other hosting opportunities. Thank you for your time. PS. Byron was kind of hammering me with questions, thats why I assumed you thought I was lying.
  2. You seem to think I am lying. I know your volunteers I am sure you do a great job but this is more trouble then its worth. I don't want to host my site where the support team thinks I am lying. Sorry but I am going to find another free host. Thanks for your time.
  3. I see. So Tastywolf and notebookvault.co.cc are linked? This is his account that he said he didn't need, so he passed it on to me. To create a helionet account I have to first have a heliohost account, correct?
  4. I believe that you are confused. Tastywolf, the helionet user name I am currently using, belongs to me. Gilgolf is my room mates helionet username. Notebookvault.co.cc is his website registered with his email, password, etc. I recently decided that I wanted to try hosting and asked him if he knew of any free hosts. He said there were a lot but that Heliohost was a great option and a good place to set up a site. If this is too much of an inconvenience I can find another free host. Sorry for the confusion.
  5. Is that logged by ip? And is it one account per person or one account per household? My room mate does have a site with you and he suggested heliohost to host my site.
  6. I have tried to sign up for stevie but when I do and click register the page displays an error message. "We're sorry, but an error was encountered during signup. Please try again later." I am not sure if I am entering it wrong or if it is a server side problem. I have tried to sign up multiple times over a few days and it still is not accepting it. I have not received any mail either as I know there was a problem like this a few days ago. Thanks in advance.
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