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Brad D

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Posts posted by Brad D

  1. Hello, I'm pretty new to heliohost, having started a few days ago with an account on Johnny. I set up everything to where I was able to see my website at the domain given to me. When I checked my website today at the domain, a new website appeared there that seems to just have been started. My cpanel has all my files as they should be.


    I did some further investigation, and look at the forums here, and two other people seem to have the same problem when I went to the domain names they listed.


    My username and domain:

    xambix on johnny


    Two other domains from people that posted having problems recently:


    (forum userid:GregoryG)



    stephen (forum userid:ninjakitteh)


    All of these domains leads to, who's main page is I'm uncertain why all 3 of us suffer from the same problem.


    Thanks in advance!

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