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Posts posted by cluelusshusbund

  1. Go to More Reply Options and scroll down some, you'll be able to upload attachments from your own PC.


    The prollem is... i dont have a PC... i use a "set-top-box" (Logictech Revue) an attachments cant be uploaded from it... i can only upload to uploaders that accept URL's.


    At most places both options are provided... im jus tryin to find out if the URL upload option is available here.

  2. The only way i can upload jpg's, gif's etc... is from a URL.


    Is there a way to upload from a URL to my "forum 2MB global upload quota"?


    At the bottom of this page that im typin on it says "try our basic uploader"... but when i click on that it dont lead to any type of uploader.

  3. Let me just remind you that stuff like that isn't limited to Islam, after all, Salem gave America one hell of a black eye.


    O sure... but im discussin Islam because this thred is about... Islam.


    Anyways, my point was: don't knock on Islam just for that one thing. To them marriage is quite sacred and their core tenets match any rational societies,


    Thats jus one ugly truth ive ponted out... but yeah... most religions are wonderful... except for ther monstrously bad parts... an the prollem you pont out below:::


    the problem with their current social morays is with combining church and state, however America is just as likely to go along that route even with the Constitution attempting to enforce that distinction. After all, the conservative GOP is closely tied to a Christian demographic, particularly within the bible belt.


    Christanity is no better or worse than Islam... just a few hundred years less barbaric... an yes... the conservative GOP jus dont seem to get it; the can of worms that woud be opened if they successfully combine church an state.


    Islam isn't perfect, but nothing ever is, every religion man creates will have faults but they each also have their positive sides, ignoring the good that comes from Islam because of one ugly truth is just as barbaric as anything.


    On the flip-side... viewin a religion thru rose colored glasses an ignorin the horrors it thrusts upon its followers has truly barbaric consiquences... especially to the ones bein stoned to death... i woud emagine.

    • Like 1

    Don't use death sentences for adulterers as your only argument because the alternative is worse.


    In the west we go so far as to defend the cheater saying their partner was being too inattentive and such, but in the east many cultures consider that a stigma. Being left to live in a community that knows your actions and hates you for them, where your friends and family stop talking to you and and wish you were dead, would that make you happy? In that society death isn't barbaric, it's humane, when you do arguments like these don't think just like a westerner, to 'win' an argument you need to understand all options in it.


    Its not so much an argument; the thred asks what i thank about Islam (religion)... an for one... i thank stonin someone to death... no matter what their "crime"... is barbaric... an no... society treatin me so horribly that i had druther be stoned to death woud not make me happy... an that type of societal behavior only compounds the barbarism.


    But to be clear... in Islamic societies... do you thank adulterers bein stoned to death is the right and proper thang to do... and that this method of "justice" shoud not change?

  5. cluelusshusbund

    "i thank capital punishment is barbaric... whether its stonein people to death/the electric chare or leathal injection... ect... all are monsterous.."


    There is difference of opinion amongst Islamic scholars about the validity of stoning the adulterers. Some say that only people who commit anti-social crimes like rape should be stoned to death, others ( majority ) say that any married person who commits adultery should be stoned to death. But this punishment is valid only in an Islamic Society with Islamic laws.


    "Furthermore, Islam is not a system of penal law. It is a complete system of life which is perfect in every sphere."


    Last year, I attended a guest lecture at my university called Islamophobia. It was a really great lecture that opened my eyes to how a lot of people in the United States (where I am) have misconceptions about the religion simply because they haven't bothered to learn the facts. Unfortunately, this seems to occur with almost all religions/beliefs. Ignorance makes fools of many and hurts many more.


    I agree.


    Did the lecture you attended cover Islamic law of stonin people to death... an if so... was it in agreement wit Brother Hassan who sees this law as bein a valid part of the Islamic system of perfection?

  6. Of course there was a "Creator." What is the Creator, though? Why does it have to be a God or deity? Why can't the Big Bang which created the Universe be that origin that water needs to exist? We still have a Creator just because it doesn't have a mind or consciousness.


    Seeing how pointless existence is (the monotonous daily chores of waking up, eating, working for food and shelter and then sleeping until tomorrow) its no wonder why religion exists. We need something to believe in. To make us feel like there is a reason to our continued existence. Religion fills this hole. We feel like there is a bigger picture in which we are needed.


    Yeah i think most people have that type of hole that needs fillin... but i seem content wit not tryin to make myself believe nonsense... an instead... just admit that i have no idea how we "came to be"... but i hope the horrors of life wasnt intentionally created... cause if so... that monster is likely still alive an mayb not done wit us yet :o

    • Like 1
  7. Kenny09

    After you read this you will think this theory is crazy or ridiculous. Remember how that feels because that's how I feel when someone starts trying to prove their religion is right and "God" will save them.


    I think it would be more likely that religion on Earth was created by aliens to help our society evolve.


    Do you see it as helpful that our society beleives "crazy/ridiculous" thangs.???



  8. Brother cluelusshusbund I'll try my best to answer all your questions :) But first you have to decide that if I can convince you that Islam is the truth & that my answers have a ringing of truth in them than you will accept Islam :)


    Yes... if you convience me that "Islam is the truth" i will accept "Islam".!!!


    But first... confirm the truth of the statments below:::


    If i beleive Islamic beleifs about God but reject those belleifs i will be punished in hell.!!!


    If i sincerely dont beleive Islamic beleifs about God... but i am otherwize a good person who does good deeds... i will not be punished in hell.!!!

  9. ...you think this earth, all the planets, the Huge stars, the Milky way's the Galaxies came into existence without a Creator ?


    Thers lots of diferent beleifs about how everthang cam into existence but i jus admit that i do not know.!!!


    We need to have Faith in our God, the ONE who sent all the Prophets (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Issac, Ishamel, Moses, Solomon, David, Jesus (peace be upon them all) and the last and final Messenger Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) to guide human beings.

    Peace be on you.



    I dont share you'r beleifs... i even thank humans evolved... so if somone like me dont change ther ways are they doomed to hell.???


  10. We have been told that people who realize the truth & yet reject it due to there own desires are going to be punished by God :) People who are sincere and good will be rewarded by Him :)


    Even tho they dont have beleifs in Gods... coud an atheist be considered good an sincere an receive the sam good rewards from God as those who "realize the truth".???



    To me... a jugmental creator/God doesnt make sinse... because us humans behave the way we was created to behave... ie... "flawed".!!!


    Well, I can speak only for Islam :)

    Muslims believe that all Human beings have been granted freewill by Allah/God to chose what they want to do :)


    Because thers no evidence for it... "Free will" is jus anuther beleif i dont have.!!!


    The creator created you & you should follow him :) The choice is yours to make if you do good, you will be rewarded :) If not ... then you will be punished :)


    Jus like i woudnt willingly follow parents (who "created" me) if they behaved like monsters... nether woud i willingly follow a "God" who behaved like a monster.!!!


    Allah/God says in the Qur'an,


    "for the wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces"


    Yes... the Holey Bible also has monsterous punishments from "God".!!!


    Furthermore, if the creator did not judge than that would bring equal the good & the bad :) What greater evil could there be than to consider good & bad equal ?


    "Evil" (as an entity) is jus anuther beleif i dont have... but i see it as monsterous that anyone (God or human) who woud do this:::


    "We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces"


    ...ie... that particular horror is a perfect esample of "bad" bein called "good"... which begs the queston agan... "Why shoud people worship a "God"... much less a "God" who unnecessarly does such monsterous thangs.???



    Think of it :) If a murderer was not put in hell & treated the same way as a pious doctor who saves the lives of others, would it not be injustice ? Would it not be evil ?


    I cant emagine a concept mor "evel" than the injustice of hell... which includes people bein tortured for havin rong beleifs... an no crime deserves torture... much less eternal torture.!!!


    Also by calling a creator who is judgmental a monster, you are indirectly calling a huge number of people monsters :) Does not every parent create ( though of course in a lesser degree than God ) ? Do parents not judge their children ?


    In a lesser degree than "God"... many people do behave in monsterous ways... but "God" is the creator of misery... not humans.!!!


    A simple person such as myself coud do a much beter job than "God"... for esample... if i had God powers... no child woud ever have to suffer rape or starvation... an no one woud ever suffer the horrors of a hell.!!!


    Why does "God" deserve to be worshipped.???


    We worship for it is indeed the purpose of our creation :)


    That does not answr the queston:::


    Why does God "deserve" to be worshiped/loved.???



    This post was to long so its in 2 parts.!!!

    End of part 1


  11. You can share your opinions regardless of what they are, you just must do it in a respectable and civilized way. In essence, you cannot slander or make fun of anyone else's beliefs.


    O... oK... an i have no intention of goin beyond espressin my opinions... an jus like i thank capital punishment is barbaric... whether its stonein people to death/the electric chare or leathal injection... ect... all are monsterous... an i also thank thers nuthin mor monsterous than a "God" who creates people in a defective way an then juges 'em to suffer for eternity for behavin the only way they can (defective)... its kinda like... breedin short legged dogs an then punishin 'em for not bein able to run faster than they can.!!!

  12. To me... a jugmental creator/God woud be a monster.!!!


    ...i know what ISLAM is"

    "it is the same religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses"

    I will asume that you'r version of

    "religion" has a hell... an if so... how does anyone deserve hell for behavin in the defective way they was created.???

    "the basic message is the same that GOD is ONE and HE Alone Deserves to be


    Why does "God" deserve to be worshipped.???

  13. Well... it seems we have som skeptics in the groop... but consider this psychic/paranormal event i esperienced in the Smokey Mountains an later at a Mall at Indianapolis Indiana.!!!


    Me an my wife was on vacation in the Smokeys an pulled over by a Tee Pee alongside the road... an ther was a sign that said:::


    Three questons answered... 1$.!!!


    Well we got in line an finaly our turn cam an the old Indian (native American) said... "Please ask you'r questons.!!!"


    I said... "Do you know what i had for brakfast 10 years ago" an he said "yes... what is you'r second queston"... an i said... "well what did i have for brakfast 10 years ago" an he said "egges".!!!


    Then it cam to me that i had no idea if he was rite or not an left wit-out even askin my third queston... he got my dollar fare an square an me an my wife got a dollars wort of chuckle out of it... lol.!!!


    An then about 10 years later we saw the sam Indian at a Mall... an he was still makin a livin by answrin 3 questons for a dollar.!!!


    An as a joke... i desided to do som "Indian-talk" as we walked past him so i raized my hand an said "HOW"... an he looked me strate in the eyes an said... "scrambled... woud you like to ask 3 mor questons for a dollar.???"

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