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  1. This look nice, I do not know what to say of them though because I have never actually tried the program.
  2. Photoshop is deffinatly the best of the two.
  3. lightsilver

    New Skin

    I think this site would snaz up some with a new custum EFS skin, matching emotions, buttens and everythng... forget this OSS crap.
  4. i like h0w the animations run perfectly smooth, u 4got a border thou
  5. oh ya definatly, ill listen to almost anything rock
  6. well we get greenday on a rock music channel and our rock radio station..
  7. N.A (north america) umm, nothing else to really say rgarding this...
  8. windows=good mac=bad rest=never herd of i voted wiindows
  9. well.... actually, i had this problem before, when i was using my laptop on my cousions internet, is the computer your using the admin of your internet? if not that may be y
  10. i read the topic title and contests ideas ill give a few, i apolagise in advanced if any have been brought up before, but i really cant be bothered to read through all the replys, so i will just post -a refferal compettition -graphics design -best ideas for site improvment?
  11. no i do not, eventually scientists will find a way to allow humans to live on other planets, because the chance of earth being the only planet out there capable of supporting life is highhly unlikly
  12. capital punishmen should never be used, not even in exteme situations..... there is far to many rascist people out there, plus around 1/10 people would be fausly accused, once again, because people are to judgmental...
  13. ya, pple in canada actually hunt, like good...... lemmie tell u 4 fact lol, 4 i. am. canadian... and ya, i dont hunt, but ya.. the guy in that pic must be mentally retarded
  14. lol... some of those r good, another would be wut happens in the movie longest yard
  15. no no, youve got it all wrong, go to a really tall building, go to the top floor, press evrey butten, then hold the door for somebody for them to get on, then take the stairs down and sit on a bench by the elevator, see what they say
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