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  1. Hi there my account got suspended because of inactivity when i was logged on last night? Weird? Username: host2x Server: Stevie Linked Url: www.x-creations.co.nz
  2. Hey, Thanks for the help so far. When i tried to add it again it came up with "Error from park wrapper: x-creations.co.nz is owned by another user. " Can you check my old account have been removed (following details)? User: host1x Url: host1x.heliohost.org Addon Domain: www.x-creations.co.nz
  3. Yes that would be fantastic thanks Btw the error is: "Error from park wrapper: x-creations.co.nz is owned by another user. "
  4. Addon Domain, Yes i have, although it came up with an error saying another user had registered it?. Still currently says suspended.
  5. Hi there was moving from Johnny to Stevie, now my domain x-creations.co.nz comes up with suspended, Help Please? User: host2x Url: host2x.heliohost.org
  6. Thanks for all your help, Like you said it seems ALOT more stable and according to the graphs its running more stable than stevie at the moment?
  7. Im only only trying to load the site up and i get internal server error 500, followed by after about 5 min the whole server seems to crash eg on the uptime status graph its offline. Other times its just extremely slow! No i don't use cron jobs, the only mail part i use is MX Records so i can use my addon domain X-CREATIONS.co.nz in gmail. Let me know if you need any other details to help with diagnostics.
  8. Username: host1x Domain: host1x.heliohost.org Addon Domain: x-creations.co.nz This error comes and goes frequently....
  9. Same is it a johnny issue?
  10. I keep getting 500 Internal Server Errors every 20 -30min? And now my acoount is queued again!? It was working 1-2hrs Ago and i added the addon domain 3 days ago? Help Please?
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