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Everything posted by TwistedX

  1. im bryan im 15 i like doing computer things and playing basketball
  2. yeah whenever i get one of those sites who want an email i just send it to TwistedSpam@twistedspamserver.net
  3. TwistedX


    My website that i am going to move here when i get the chance and the Helions PHP Project
  4. If you buy a license to a Forum software that you need to buy a license for, and then you make a completely original, all you mod for that board, is that considered opensource or is it just opensource to those with that type of board with a license?
  5. I find it funny how people care so much about celebrities and they ruin a perfectly good forum thread by using a celebrity who grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth as the topic
  6. I am creating a mod for Call of Duty 2 and it only interprets .IWD files and I was wondering if anyone here knows how to make a .IWD file sinces nothing comes up when i search google for it
  7. I don't know of one but you can register for one of Invisionfree's free IPB Board at Invisionfree.com
  8. no its coming out int he PHPBB 3 package
  9. I have to agree...that is one of the funniest sites ive been to
  10. For PHP in HTML pages I found it easiest to do this: <?PHP $title ="titlegoeshere"; $header ="header,ifany,goeshere. leaveblankfornone"; $content1 = "insert some cool content hear"; $content2 ="sameasabove"; etc. etc. echo "<html><head>$header<title>$title</title></header><body bgcolor='#000000'>//its important you use ' not " because otherwise you will get a php parse error <p>$conent</p> <p>$content2</p> etc. etc. </body> </html> ?>
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