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  1. that is dumb!
  2. cool riddles guys! There is a man at 4 feet tall and weighing 200 pounds. He lives on the 15th floor. Everyday he takes his lunchbox into an elavator and presses 1 to go to the 1st floor for work. The elevator has buttons on it listing from 1 to 15 going from least to greatest up. When he comes back he takes his lunchbox into the elavoter and presses 8 and walks the rest of the way up to the 15th floor where he lives. Why doesn't the man just press 15 when he goes home? NOTE: This joke is better to show and tell in person.
  3. neat yeah but it's probably fake choclate, you know? they generic kind that has a wierd taste to it unlike Hersey
  4. go Robin
  5. gamewinners.com is the best if you ask me
  6. I dont drive! hay no driving!
  7. be careful!
  8. Steve Corall is halarious in this and the office 1 million thumbs up!
  9. my mom cried forever after she watched it!
  10. I'm new too.
  11. I love Pokemon! Go Palkia! I have LeafGreen I liked the anime better when Max and May were in it. and Misty. Go pokemon Pearl game!
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