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Everything posted by univalle

  1. hi Geoff, I am on johnny which is the port? 5432? because, I try url = "jdbc: postgresql: / / johnny.heliohost.org: 5432/univalle_prueba" my database is univalle_prueba and I could not access, the error is: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Verify that the host name and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP / IP. thanks
  2. hello all, I have a Java application with which I need to connect to PostgreSQL database I am using the following code String url = "____", usr= "_____", password="______" Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(url, usr, password); to connect to the database jdbc driver is fine and I tried it locally The problem I have is with 'url', no place to address or does the heliohost server can not be accessed remotely? My host is bdunivalle.heliohost.org thanks
  3. hi all, Is it possible to connect to heliohost' POSTGRES server from outside NOW? HOW? WHAT IS HOST heliohost.org:5432 ???
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