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About hostmysiteplease

  • Birthday January 1

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Not bad. Some inboxes might still refuse you Score : 6.7/10 Link: Spam Test Result
  2. I would like the above added to my account for all domains due to sending emails to Gmail which are failing Thanks in advance
  3. I seem to be getting 2 different figures for storage. Capture3.png shows the "Storage Remaining" displayed in the cPanel. Capture1.png shows the figures I get after calculating the total storage Why is there a huge difference? I can't seem to find where the extra storage is coming from. Capture2.png shows the total used by Email Anyone have an idea what's going on?
  4. Please add the domain conarim.com to my account It had the wrong Nameservers so it didn't resolve first time around. Sorry about that
  5. Please add the following domain names to my account: harlemtechnologies.com conarim.com dhamira.Co.ke Waa.co.ke nilijua.xyz
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