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  1. Hi there! Can you please add the domain [removed] to my account? My username is turinglenditwwe. I'll be using cloudflare for DNS management so I'll setup the A and AAAA records there.
  2. Oh! Yeah, I don't need the disk space, was mostly just adding as an extra money/donation on top of the $1 fee if you can, please feel free to add that as balance for Morty and remove the space. I'll throw something in to Steve next month too so I may get space there anyway, but I doubt I'll use even the 1gb I've already changed the A & AAAA records and things seem to be working. Thanks!
  3. Ah, okay! Thank you both, that explains it I've sent $5 for the move to Morty, I understand it will be billed at least $1 per month rather than no charges like Tommy. I had sent $6 for Tommy invite + a bit extra, is the previously sent 6 on Jan 21st possible to be added to the Morty balance or a portion of it? Tyty!
  4. Hi, folks! Not sure if this an issue on the Cloudflare side or Heliohost, so I appreciate any help either diagnosing it or pointing me in the right direction. I previously changed my NS to cloudflare to be able to edit the DNSZone without having to add more work to you, and things seem to be working fine (apart from a TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS issue I solved with help on discord that was related to SSL settings on the cloudflare side). However, I've noticed that intermittently I get an error on my site now of "Error code 504: Gateway time-out", it'll show up for a bit then go away, then show up when loading my site at another time, etc. All I have is a basic Wordpress installation up on the turinglen.site address. I've attached a screengrab of the error I see when trying to access it sometimes (it has happened a few times for the past couple days). Appreciate any help or points in the right direction to diagnose it! Thank you.
  5. Thank you both! @wolstech you're correct, of course. Derp on my part I've set up the Cloudflare NS and records successfully and all seems to be working. Ty for the link, @KazVee! Thread can be solved
  6. Hi, folks! I had previously used Heliohost with another username (that I believe was deleted for inactivity) and I was able to control my own DNS for my domains. From what I've seen, we can't do that anymore with the new control dashboard. I'd like to use my domain on a protonmail paid plan, however. And for that, I need to set up TXT/MX records and such. I saw that we can request yall to make changes to the DNS, but I don't want to post the TXT/MX records here on the forums since they're not supposed to be public, so is there a way I can send them privately? Other than that, I've also seen mention of using Cloudflare for DNS that would allow me to handle my own records. Right now, my domain is pointing to ns1 and ns2.heliohost, how would I use Cloudflare for DNS? Is that easier instead of having to go back and forth for DNS configs? My site is turinglen.site Thank you!
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