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Everything posted by ismailserin

  1. Could you please remove "felsefelik.com" and its subdomains from my account? username: ismailserin
  2. Could you add the below mentioned two subdomains under felsefelik.com please? username: ismailserin subdomains: funda, iserin Thanks in advance!
  3. Now felsefelik.com works properly. Thanks!
  4. In Plesk nothing is wrong, but when I visit the site (felsefelik.com) I see the old content, not the default heliohost content. The site still uses hostinger files. I cleared the browser history and used other computers too.
  5. My non-heliost domain (felsefelik.com) is registered by hostinger.com. I have changed nameserver address to heliohost. Now, DNS records have to changed. Could you do you make DNS settings for felsefelik.com please? username: ismailserin
  6. Could you add the below mentioned domain to my account please? username: ismailserin domain: felsefelik.com
  7. I have tried a few other banks, but no luck... Thanks anyway for your respond.
  8. I want to move my account to Tommy, but I cannot transfer the required amount. This the error message: "Something went wrong. We'll take you back to checkout so you can try again." By the way I am from Türkiye where paypal is not active.
  9. Could you add the below mentioned subdomain under felsefelik.xyz please? username: ismailserin subdomain: kaynak
  10. Could you add the below mentioned domain to my account please? username: ismailserin domain: felsefelik.xyz
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