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  1. it's worked, thanks wolstech
  2. In my case, everything work fine but webmail ! As you see, this is the problem. ------------ Regards Error: mailmng-imap failed: /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/pleskrc execution failed:Job for dovecot.service failed.See "systemctl status dovecot.service" and "journalctl -xeu dovecot.service" for details.
  3. It's work about 15 mins and now Error 500 display.
  4. it's worked. Thanks wolstech.
  5. To day I config my webmail, everything seem fine, I can send email to Gmail and other but problem is I can't received email from other. Please help ! This is webmail test account: https://webmail.matilda.vn user: testmailer@matilda.vn password: (removed)
  6. I clear my cached and I just point IP to and this is all thing I got -------------
  7. To day I register a free hosting and I can login to plesk control panel, i can upload my php file, but my site is not work, I point my domain to too but nothing happen, please help ! --------- Regards
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