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  1. Do you know the process I would have to do for the install?
  2. Could I please get the flask_cors module installed on my domain. It is on Tommy. My username: tmaahik Domain: aphant.net
  3. Hi! I have a quick question about using for my .htaccess file. I have a website I am essentially transferring from my friends website. He sent me a zip with all the files including the .htaccess files. However, he is on Johnny and I am on Tommy, so do I need to make any adjustments to the .htaccess files? Or any other files? At the moment, my website says “500 Internal Sever Error.” I already changed the pathway for my flask.wsgi file. Thanks!
  4. Hosting Account Username: tmaahik Add-on Domain Name: aphant.net Could I create this add-on domain please?
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