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  1. @Krydos now it works!! Just as a comment, I think the routines I had in the database were lost during the migration It’s not a big deal, I already recreated them using the scripts I took from the backup now everything is working perfectly!! thank you so much for your help!!
  2. Hi @Krydos how are you? the tables are working perfectly I think that the issue is with the routines To reproduce the error, you can try running this query in the database: CALL apply_payment_to_debts(54); I think something happened to the routines in the db
  3. Hi guys, I've been very active these days, sorry about that 😅 Now Itried to execute a sp in the database, but I got this error: Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted could you give me a hand? If the simplest solution is to recreate the database, I have a dump from before the migration so If necessary I can recreate it just let me know
  4. Hi guys!! I ran a new test and it works perfectly! thanks a lot!!
  5. Hi @wolstech I tried but in this case the error is: connection encountered an error (Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: localhost. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:morty.heliohost.org) 🥲
  6. Hi guys, how are you? I've been having issues with email sending I've been running local tests on my app, including email sending To configure my SMTP connection, I retrieved the details from: Mail -> Configure Email Clients -> Manual Setup user: [Filtered] password: [Filtered] host: covireus-api.helioho.st ssl: true port: 465 I ran my first email sending test and found this error: Connection encountered an error (Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: covireus-api.helioho.st. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:morty.heliohost.org) To fix this, I replaced the host with: Host: morty.heliohost.org With that change, everything worked perfectly for my local tests the next stepw as to upload everything to the server (covireus-api.helioho.st) and run tests directly from there After the first test on the server, I found this error: Connection encountered an error (connect EHOSTUNREACH I’m not sure why it's resolving to As far as I understand, morty ip should be do you have any idea what might be happening guys?
  7. I ran a new test, and it works perfectly!! Thank you very much, guys!
  8. Hi guys!! Thanks for your help! I ran a new test on https://www.mail-tester.com/, and it looks good!! Regarding the limit, I tested again and still have the same issue: 5.7.0 Your message could not be sent. The limit on the number of allowed outgoing messages was exceeded. Try again later While checking in Plesk, I saw this: The maximum number of outgoing emails is set to 10 by default, I tried to change it but I don’t have permissions
  9. Hi guys! How are you? I have a two issues with the email. First, I ran a test on https://www.mail-tester.com/ and received a low score here’s the report: https://www.mail-tester.com/test-ui4zp5232 Then, I ran a process in my app that sends an email to each registered user after sending a few emails I got the following error: 554 5.7.0 Your message could not be sent. The limit on the number of allowed outgoing messages was exceeded. Try again later. A while ago, I opened a ticket regarding the outgoing email limit: https://helionet.org/index/topic/63444-solved-email-outgoing-quotalimit. After that, I migrated my app to Morty and changed the domain, so it's possible that the new limit was lost could you guys help me with these issues? Thank you very much! domain: covireus-api.helioho.st
  10. Guys! thank you so much for your help! I followed @KazVee advice, and in the details I saw that I was missing a config file that is ignored in the repo, my bad 😅 Thanks again for your support! we can mark this ticket as solved
  11. Hi @KazVee! I changed the app mode and restarted my app, but I still see the same page with no additional data could it take some time for the change to be processed?
  12. Hi guys, how are you? I recently migrated my app to Morty and changed the main domain I've tried starting my app, but I'm seeing the following error: Web application could not be started by the Phusion Passenger® application server (screenshot attached). I checked the Passenger logs in logs section, but they are empty. I'm not sure what the issue could be since my app hasn’t changed after the migration could you help me find out what error Passenger is encountering when trying to start my app? Thank you very much!! domain https://covireus-api.helioho.st/
  13. Hi @wolstech How are you? could be covireus-api.helioho.st the main domain and covireus.helioho.st the second one? Thank you very much!!
  14. Hi guys! How are you? I'd like to add two new subdomains to my account: covireus-api.helioho.st covireus.helioho.st The current one (sandbox.helioho.st) will no longer be used, so we can delete it, but first, can we migrate the custom email limit to the new subdomains? Another question I have a database linked to the current subdomain Is it possible to keep the database? I plan to reuse it If it’s not possible, don’t worry, I already exported it Thank you guys!
  15. Hi @Krydos how are you? Sorry I didn’t explain it well, let me try to clarify with more details Twice a month, the app will generates invoices for all users. they must be notified immediately via email that they have a new invoice to pay this means that 365 emails will be send, one for each user. The limit of 1000 emails per day is just an approximation, considering the possibility of running this process three times in a single day, which would mean that someone seriously messed up I’m 95% sure that the 1000 email limit will never be reached, but I leave a 5% margin of doubt because users always manage to surprise us For now I can manage with a lower limit, but I’m considering using Morty for my UAT env and later for PD therefore, I need to be sure that this will work even in the worst-case scenario
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