Hi @Krydos how are you?
Sorry I didn’t explain it well, let me try to clarify with more details
Twice a month, the app will generates invoices for all users.
they must be notified immediately via email that they have a new invoice to pay
this means that 365 emails will be send, one for each user.
The limit of 1000 emails per day is just an approximation, considering the possibility of running this process three times in a single day, which would mean that someone seriously messed up
I’m 95% sure that the 1000 email limit will never be reached, but I leave a 5% margin of doubt because users always manage to surprise us
For now I can manage with a lower limit, but I’m considering using Morty for my UAT env and later for PD therefore, I need to be sure that this will work even in the worst-case scenario