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  1. My account is suspended again. I have blocked the IP address mentioned by you. I only tried to install and edit the site yesterday. Seems, like Helio Host is not for my theme or maybe some hackers are already into my theme through some back door. I installed the plugins and other things that was mentioned in the blog to reduce load. Thanks for your time and efforts. Regards
  2. Its working now. Might be a delay in install. Thanks. Please dont do anything, regarding that Regards
  3. Thanks for resetting the account. Also, I have blocked the IP address you have mentioned in Cloudflare's firewall I have recreated my account and installed Wordpress. But now, I am not able to login into the admin page of Wordpress. www.y2ameds.com/wp-admin Receiving the following message. Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Please look into it. Regards
  4. Please reset the account. It is easier. I will try installing everything again. If the problem persists even after taking all the measures, then i will use another script. Regards
  5. Thank you for guiding me. I will clean up my site and block the traffics from the IP address that you mentioned. I will rebuild the site again. @wolstech But my account is again suspended. Kindly, unsuspend it, so that i can do the steps that you have told me. Thanks & Regards
  6. I am trying to login from https://y2ameds.com/wp-admin/ Not able to login. Receiving this message. Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource.
  7. Thank you for the unsuspension. I am testing a predefined theme which is in Wordpress, so i dont know, how i can convert that theme into Jekyl or Hugo. Meanwhile to be on safer side, i saw one post where you can decrease the load by some methods mentioned by our Helio Community member https://wiki.helionet.org/misc/wordpress. I will try to implement all the methods mentioned there. Please let me know, if I can do some more. Thanks & Regards
  8. My account is suspended, due to heavy load. The problem is not with website, I actually mistakenly installed Wordpress on the wrong domain address directory. So, i had to uninstall the wordpress and then install it again. Hence, the spike in load. I have not started using the website as such. So, once the website is installed, than it wont have that load. KIndly, Unsuspend the account. Thanks & Regards
  9. Please add my domain name to my username. Thanks Username: y2asafemeds Domain Name: www.y2ameds.com Email : y2astrategies@gmail.com Also, please remove www.y2asafemeds.com. I added that domain by mistake. Thanks & Regards
  10. Please add my domain name to my username. Thanks Username: y2asafemeds Domain Name: www.y2asafemeds.com Email : y2astrategies@gmail.com
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