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Everything posted by gotik

  1. Yes! Thank you so much, sorry for the inconvenience
  2. It is not necessary, you can access to my schema and execute the command. My schema is gespro on database gespro_db.
  3. Hi djbob, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = 'plpgsql'; count 0 and I try to create a function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dologin(IN i_user varchar, IN i_password varchar, OUT o_group integer) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN SELECT group_id INTO o_group FROM users WHERE nick=i_user AND password=i_password; IF NOT FOUND THEN SELECT 0 INTO o_group; END IF; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Because the plgpsql is not loaded by default I should to be loaded at the schema you want. I try on a Centos Virtual Machine and loaded the plpsql as postgres and other user wiht other schema cant access it. Thanks for your time djbob.
  4. no :S Error de SQL: ERROR: language "plpgsql" does not exist HINT: Use CREATE LANGUAGE to load the language into the database.
  5. Yep, you are right, I need plpgsql to create my functions.
  6. Hi djbob, I need just the plpgsql, not C Thanks for your time.
  7. Just if it's possible, I'll be very grateful
  8. yes I know use the command CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql; but... ERROR: must be superuser to create procedural language
  9. Good Night, I created my functions in postgresql, but these functions need language plpgsql ERROR: language "plpgsql" does not exist HINT: Use CREATE LANGUAGE to load the language into the database. It's possible to create the language?. Thanks for your time.
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