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  1. Another update: I think that this can be marked as solved. I don't know if Apache was causing the issues, but I saw the notice regarding PHPMyAdmin on Discord and reset my password. Following that, everything is working, so I think the database pw issue was causing an error that made the js hang up. At any rate, seems to be working now 👍
  2. The domain was previously used on Johnny, so maybe there's an issue from that? Update: just got home for a sec and checked again. The ssl was being flagged by antivirus, so I reissued it and that stopped. Now none of my js is working. I realize that this seems to be a compounding issue, but is there a reason why it could stop working as a result of the www record being added? I'm leaving for a bit and will check to see how I'm constructing the js paths when I get back, but wanted to ask as everything worked yesterday aside from the www prefix and nothing else has been changed.
  3. Hm.. So, the ssl certificate is now there, but now my site just shows a 404 error regardless of being prefixed with www. or not. Previously, everything else worked, it was just that I couldn't include links with the prefix. Is there something else that I need to do now, following the addition of the www record? All of my files are still there and nothing else has been changed that I can see.
  4. Today I noticed that there was a little notice in my dashboard that "WWW domain not secured". I tried reissuing the certificate and got this error (see image). I remember seeing something about www DNS records not carrying over a month or so ago, so perhaps this is related? Everything else works as it should, but I can't secure the www prefix and the site doesn't load if I prefix the URL with "www." Site: thestreetartlist.com
  5. Alright, good to know. I don't want to run into any suspension issues due to having 2 accounts now, though, so should I delete the Johnny account now that I have everything moved to Tommy? I can only have one or the other, right?
  6. I previously had (still have) a Johnny account under the username "thestreetartlist". I had created a new version of it on Tommy following Johnny's crash and now that the hosting is back online, was able to get the remaining info that I needed from my database backup. The only thing left is that I need the domain for this account (username: streetartlist) to be changed from the default to "thestreetartlist.com". And if possible, can the Johnny user stay up for a bit so I can be sure that I have all of the settings transferred over before it's down to just this account?
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