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  1. Hello,I received notification that my account has been incorrectly suspended had been suspended due to high load. This was a fresh Wordpress installation with no traffic. To be honest I have no idea what is causing this and would be grateful for any assistance in resolving the issue. a. HelioHost username: Bamooji b. the server my account is on: Johnny c. your HelioHost main domain: howtobehealthyandhappy.com Kind regards,Brian
  2. Hello, I will also log in via FTP and remove the initial Wordpress website (the new one which was only launched yesterday is also Wordpress with WooCommerce installed) which may be adding to the problem as this is no longer needed. Kind regards, Brian
  3. Hello, I received notification that howtobehealthyandhappy.com had been suspended due to high load. To be honest I have no idea what is causing this and would be grateful for any assistance in resolving the issue. Kind regards, Brian
  4. Hello, Thank you kindly. For future reference if I need to add additional domains do I have to submit a ticket or can this be done from the control panel? Kind regards, Brian
  5. Hello, I wold like to add an additional domain: howtobehealthyandhappy.com I have changed the nameservers on the domain name to those of Helihost and await further instruction. Kind regards, Brian
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