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About juanvp

  • Birthday 05/08/1967

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    Arts, web development, agriculture.

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  1. The complete solution was to add only these lines inside the <ifModule mod_rewrite.c> Tag: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%1/$1 [R=301,L] To an existing .htaccess file. Without deleting the former content. For it could be useful for other people. Thank You.
  2. Thank you very much. I put that code inside .htaccess, saved it and then the links we're not working, After that, I put the former code of .htaccess, saved it again and something happenned. It's just working now as it was desired, all links opening in the same Tab. That's all fine!! Thank You again.
  3. Hello! Excuse me. Could you help me? For my hosted domain: Maracaibo.info, I need that any URL begining with www, to be redirected to the URL version without www. Is that possible? The reason is that I've a small problem with some links opening in a new tab of the web browser. Thank you for any help.
  4. Thank You very much!
  5. Hello, people! My user name is juanvp I would like to set this domain name as Main Domain: Maracaibo.info And set this addon Domain: xn--mrida-bsa.com For both domains it's highly desirable to create www subdomains. And then redirect the www soubdomain to the Domain without www. I believe that after that, it will be possible for me to manage the things related to the https urls from cPanel. Thanks a lot in Advance for any help !
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