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Everything posted by szhiro

  1. Hi admin, My website is broken with messy code. Please wipe my whole account and I plan to start all over again. My username is szhiro Thanks.
  2. Hi Heliohost support, I would like to update and change my main domain from zhirofund.com to app.zhirofund.com. My username is szhiro. It is ok for delete all the content without backup as I plan to rebuild everything into something else using new domain Thanks a lot!
  3. Thanks for the update. It's weird to see such a fee, as they said 1000points equivalent to USD1, but in overall, I think people just made an assumption, comparing it to Microsoft gift card, in which more or less 1000points =USD1. But when comes to Microsoft points donation to organization, clearly this is not the case. But anyway, glad that Helionet still received tho' a small amount of donation. Cheers. Better than nothing. Meanwhile, I learnt the lesson too.🤪
  4. Understand. I read about Microsoft Point donation. For them to send over every 1000points =USD1 worth, probably will take about one to three month, if I am not mistaken. Anyway, I can wait, no problem, as an appreciation from me to further support HelioHost web server hosting, I donated another 5000points and 3000points respectively😁
  5. Hi HelioHost! It's been my pleasure to grab an opportunity to use Johnny server from HelioHost! As an appreciation, I donated My Microsoft points of 1000points, which is worth USD1. I would like to move my Johnny server to Tommy server. Username: szhiro, Server: Johnny, Main domain: zhirofund.com
  6. Just want to express my gratitude about how great is the the hardwork and effort you guys put into running this service, and it has helped me to kickstart my project without breaking my bank for buying a paid service. I've done a lot of experimental stuff such as exploring, HTML, CSS and etc. to sharpen my skillset as an IT tech savvy. I couldn't achieve my milestone without the work you guys put in. Thanks again!
  7. Because before this, after adding subdomain mails.zhirofund.com, all the email no longer works, then I try to disable and renable again to try out
  8. not able to create new email after disabled and enabled the Heliohost mail service.
  9. Could you help in setting up SPF and MX on my domain: zhirofund.com? Recently, I found out that my webmail and mail services no longer able to receive emails and send emails.My username is: szhiroThanks
  10. Recently, I have a subdomain created named mails.zhirofund.com. I no longer use it, and would like to remove it as subdomain. my username is szhiro. Main domain name is zhirofund.com
  11. Thanks a lot! Appreciate that
  12. Hi Heliohost support, Not sure if I am able to change my display name to szhiro. Appreciate if able to.
  13. Ok, it’s fine with me to go for mails.zhirofund.com. Appreciate that!
  14. The reason to add subdomain is I managed my subdomain in Cloudflare, and would like to add mail.zhirofund.com to test my new setup. Username: szhiro Subdomain: mail.zhirofund.com Domain: zhirofund.com
  15. Hi cs, I want to add MX Record details from helio host so that I can add MX record from my Cloudflare DNS, to route the email to heliohost Appreciate if there is any help.
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