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Everything posted by clementguio

  1. Ok. I deployed a spring boot app with JDBC connection to my db on heliohost using Render (https://render.com) and I had some issues with it. (By the way, this is why you get AWS IP.) Now, I understand why, I didn't realize that Render was trying to open so many connections at the same time. I contacted them to understand why it does that and I'm still waiting for their response. Since I'm on training with others, we must be 3 or 4 to have made the same mistake. I didn't realize it was causing such a load. I'm really sorry for the trouble. We'll find another way. You can close my request.
  2. I think I know the reason of my suspension. I created an account with clementguio@gmail.com. I told a friend about you and he was interested. He tried to create an account but never succeeded. I used another mail of mine, cguio@laposte.net, to create an account for him. I wasn't thinking about your terms at this time. Later I told him to change the mail account to separate his account from me but I'm not sure he really did. I'm sorry for violating your terms, my purpuse was not to own two accounts but to help someone to create one. If it's necessary, you can delete cguio@laposte.net account. I'd really like to keep my account, I just needed to host a MySql database for educational purpose. If I'm wrong about the reason of my suspension, I would like to know, please.
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