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  1. Sorry for bothering you :). Thanks for responding
  2. I want to add these ns record for my domain ygo.helioho.st to be added to Cloudflare, thanks. cory.ns.cloudflare.com imani.ns.cloudflare.com
  3. For python 3.10 as in title please
  4. I would like to add module curl_cffi==v0.7.0b4 for johnny server. Thanks
  5. got it, thanks
  6. Can you help me? I'm new at this
  7. That's good to hear, thank you. I must have wasted my time
  8. Sorry for the disturbance. I am contacting my domain registrar.
  9. One more thing, can you edit dns to add these two nameservers? cory.ns.cloudflare.com imani.ns.cloudflare.com Thanks.
  10. Thanks a lot
  11. Hi there, I would like to add this domain, ygio.uk.to Thank you.
  12. I got this when trying to run a simple hello world: Btw, if I add the shebang:
  13. Hello, I would like to know if I can schedule a Python task to be executed at certain times. Thanks.
  14. Yes, I noticed it. I wonder if we have a way to find logs like Krydos did in my previous post
  15. So after a while I found out where I was wrong (I used the wrong type). However I still want to keep this topic up because debugging without error messages is such a challenge
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