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  1. Hello! I would like to change my Display Name to Francisco or FranciscoGaldino, if not available. Thank you in advance!
  2. Hey team, just got some spare bucks and decided to donate. I'm also requesting storage increase just to please my broken vision on capitalism (I'm not planning to use it anyways but who knows lol) Transaction ID: 6CH85819AE458423K, username: qikmob Keep up with the amazing work, wishing you all the best!
  3. A tragedy announced 🥲
  4. Your robots.txt is really blocking Google (in fact it is blocking all crawlers). Instead of Disallow: / use Allow: /, and if you want to block a specific path use Disallow: /admin for example.
  5. This means that Google has not yet indexed your site. Add it to Google Search Console and submit an XML sitemap so all your pages can be indexed. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/34592 If you are afraid that the Google crawler is being blocked, check your site's robots.txt file.
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