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  1. Ok, there was a problem with the .htacces file. I renamed it, and the site seems to work fine!!! Thank you very much for your help, Krydos!!!
  2. Sure. About 12 hours passed. At the first moment, the site showed the Plesk default page, like there is not a default index page. Today shows de 500 internal server error. In both cases, there is an index.php in the httpdocs folder of my site.
  3. Hi, everyone! I recovered my account following the instructions, I can acces my account, I restored my files and db backups, and everything runs smoothly. But when I acces my site, I get a 500 internal server error. What's going wrong?
  4. Well... Here I am... My account is suspended I don't know why... If you could clarify the reasons for me, I'll appreciate that. If you could reactivate my account, I'll appreciate that more yet.
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