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  1. I would like to cancel my hosting solution please, I might register for a new one at a later point but at the moment it is severly under utilized for what i initially planned to do with it so no sense in keeping it if im not using it at the moment.
  2. Then if possible I would like to get KeyHelp installed as a cp... it seems more interactive and has more options built in...
  3. So is the extra cost with plesk only or install of any cp?
  4. the sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server is where i get stuck off at... it seems to glitch out and keep flashing rapidly through the ssh terminals even putty and regular terminal as well. What does the web panel feature in detail, would it help with the install?
  5. eh thing is im trying to get some things running and its refusing to run them as services through ssh... I was going to try through vnc through a desktop enviornment to get some things working like a mumble server.. its a vps... so should be doable and is pretty light weight.
  6. Hello I keep getting refused by ssh client to connect using same password as account to get into the SSH part of the stuff, I dont really use SSH really so is there a way to get a web intergration or VNC setup for the server itself? Also would it be doable to do this as a windows install? just wondering, there was no OS selection on sign up...
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