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Posts posted by alvaromldev

  1. I think that my nodejs app on the subdomain (api.devhabbo.com) is not working due to that the subdomain document root configuration is overriding the nodejs deployment?

    The nodejs is running but each time I access the subdomain it says "Forbidden" and the web server throws this error:

    [core:crit] (13)Permission denied: AH00529: /home/devhabbo.com/api.devhabbo.com/www/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable and that '/home/devhabbo.com/api.devhabbo.com/www/' is executable, referer: https://api.devhabbo.com/

    In fact the nodejs app is set to restart, but I can not send a request to the nodejs api.

    Does this make any sense? Thank you for everything ✌️

  2. Hi, I have a domain (devhabbo.com) with a new subdomain recently created (api.devhabbo.com). I would like to have a nodejs app on the subdomain but I can't change the document root of the subdomain to something like /api.devhabbo.com/www. It says "Cannot change document root: permission denied."

    How can I change the subdomain document root to /api.devhabbo.com/www to store the nodejs files in /api.devhabbo.com but outside the document root folder?

    Thank you, I hope I expressed myself well ✌️

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