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  1. For now you can mark this ticket as solved, you do not need to do anything. I will try to solve it in couple of other ways. Thanks for the support.
  2. Will I see the domain linked to the Lily server in Plesk. Also will I be able to connect locally from the deployed ASP.NET application to a database created from Plesk?
  3. Can you update it to: bpthecodeman
  4. If possible I would like on both. If it is not possible, only forum will be okay
  5. As I can see from the documentation, if I want to host an ASP.Net Core application, I should be part of Lily virtual server. What is the procedure?
  6. Is it possible to change my username/display name?
  7. I would like to add: dailyallowance.helioho.st
  8. I have created an account with a default domain. Now I want to add another website/domain, but I can't find it anywhere inside Plesk. What is the procedure?
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