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Everything posted by abdullahzahid

  1. I figured out that my username was not just abdullahzahid. Thank you for your support.
  2. I am sorry, I mentioned the wrong file. I am using the "start_bot.py" file. and I believe the error is in the following line. I am able to get output until this line: subprocess.Popen("/home/abdullahzahid/azbot.py") i can see all print command being executed but nothing after this line of code.
  3. Thank you. I am still getting the same error. Is there any way to see what is causing the issue? I can run this script on my PC without any errors. I am following this example (https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/discord-bot) to start the bot in my home directory. I believe there is some problem with this "start.py" script. Any help will be appreciated. Regards
  4. Hello I am willing to host a Python bot for my personal use. I have added both start and stop Python scripts. When I run the start script, it shows a 500 internal server error. Going through the forum posts, I found that I need to request to install the libraries. please install this library for me. The details are: domain: abdullahzahid.helioho.st server: tommy2 python ver: 3.7.6(even 3.10 won't be a problem) library required: python-telegram-bot (link: https://pypi.org/project/python-telegram-bot/) Regards and Thanks
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