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  1. Thank you... 🙂
  2. I have created an email address for my domain:- paul@whatephphatha.co.uk I have selected RoundCube as my web-mail software How do I now access my emails?
  3. That worked - Thanks for your help on this... 🙂
  4. Thanks for the above. I have access now, and I've been able to post and succesfully test a basic index.html file. I'll upload the rest of the files tomorrow... I tried testing a simple perl cgi file without success... Can someone check that perl is installed and functional for cgi? AND - THANKS for volunteering... Once I get my feet properly under the table (as a user) and know my way around a little bit, I would be happy to volunteer also... 🙂
  5. Any update on this? I'm getting a 403 error now when trying to access the URL ( whatephphatha.co.uk ) Also - Can you provide instructions on how I can upload my files?
  6. Cool... Thanks - No rush... Also, once complete, could I get access details so I can ftp html files onto the server...(I assume) Also, FYI, I will be using perl cgi - I assume perl is installed and functional for cgi access (i.e. there either a cgi-bin folder or I'll be able to create one...)
  7. I believe I've changed the name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org ( at www.names.co.uk )
  8. Hello - I've purchased a domain name:- whatephphatha.co.uk Can you please set my default domain to this domain name ( whatephphatha.co.uk ) NOT whatephphatha.helioho.st Also, once done, can you provide me with the login details to the domain so I can FTP web-page files to the site?
  9. I'm setting up a new account. I could not set my domain name correctly (I could not select the custom option). Could you set my domain name to:- whatephphatha.co.uk Thanks
  10. OK... I believe I have completed the registration. I could not create the account using my domain name. So could you add my domain name:- whatephphatha.co.uk I'm not sure what:- "After that, you need to set the name servers of the domain to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org (you do this at your domain registrar), and wait up to 2 hours for the site to be set up" this means, but I'll explore once the setup is complete.
  11. How do I create my web-site with the purchased domain name. whatephphatha.co.uk For example:- What are the ftp details so I can upload my web pages?
  12. I have purchased a domain name, and I've donated for a Tommy Account... How do I sign in and activate my account/web-site domain name:- www.whatephphatha.co.uk my name: Paul Bieniek email:- paul_bieniek@yahoo.co.uk
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