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Everything posted by carlos77

  1. Thanks for the info.
  2. Thanks. Just curious, I see other people posting about adding some personal domains to their account. Are these websites they already own and why do they want it added to heliohost?
  3. Hello helionet team, My username is javalan. I would like to ask you to add the following domain to my account if it's available: "share", so the website will be accessible with the url: share.helioho.st Thank you for your continued service
  4. Hello helionet team, My username is javalan. I would like to ask you to add the following domain to my account if it's available: "2024", so the website will be accessible with the url: 2024.helioho.st Thanks to the team for their 💪💪 javalan
  5. Hello helionet team, My username is javalan. I would like to ask you add the following domain to my account if it's available: "link", thus the site will be accessible with the url: link.helioho.st Thanks for your 💪💪 javalan
  6. Hello, I'm javalan. Was wondering if i can use my helioho.st domain to host the short.io url shortening service. This is the instructions they provide for domain manager: These instructions will guide you in setting up domain link.javalan.helioho.st to create short links by SHORT.IO. After setup, the domain will point all HTTP and HTTPS requests to SHORT.IO servers, so that's how short links will work. Step 1: Go to your domain registrar, sign in, and locate the domain DNS Manage section. Step 2: Create a new type CNAME record with a name 'link.javalan' (no quotes) and value 'cname.short.io' (no quotes). Save changes. So you will see a new record: link.javalan CNAME cname.short.io Done! Now wait for the server's updates; it might take 1-2 hours. We will notify you by email. Is this possible? Regards, javalan
  7. Hello helionet team, My username is javalan. I would like to ask you add the following domain to my account if it's available: "bofang", thus the site will be accessible with the url: bofang.helioho.st Thanks for your 💪💪 javalan
  8. Hello, my username is javalan. I would like to ask to add another domain to my account: huoguo So the url would be huoguo.helioho.st Thanks for your service
  9. Perfect, now works. Thanks!
  10. Hi again, I just had a look, and looks like the 2022 domain is missing an encryption certificate, that the other two domains seems to have.
  11. Hello, this is javalan. thank you for adding the domain. I don't know the reason when i try to open files from that domain, it's giving me a notice that the site is not secure, and proceeds to open its http:// counterpart. I don't have this problem with my other two domains. You can see this here: https://2022.helioho.st/plesk.html Could it be because of the number name? Thanks for having a look.
  12. Hello, my username is javalan. I would like to ask if it is possible to add a domain in the form of numbers, specifically 2022.helioho.st If it is possible please add this name to my account. Thank you.
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