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  1. Ok, thaks krydos
  2. Ok. After analyzing the alternatives offered to me, I will try to solve the problem by deleting my WordPress installations and then reinstalling them by converting the sites to static WordPress. But I will need to reactivate my user because it is currently suspended. Can you please cancel the suspension?
  3. Hello Krydos. I don't understand the reason for the high server load. I have made some changes to the websites I have published and applied security tools offered by Plesk. I have published several pages with WordPress that have little content. I am a web design teacher and I use the pages I have published on Helionet only to show them to my students and to serve as an example for them to create their own on servers other than Heliohost. They have almost no traffic because I use them very little and only as examples. I only install them and occasionally update them to insert some new content, but I usually do it with XAMPP on my computer and then upload them to Helionet. That's why I don't understand the overload unless they are being hacked and someone other than me is carrying out illegal tasks with my user. The uploaded pages have few plugins and are not conflictive. If you could recommend a solution. I would not like to stop using your services as they are very useful to me. Thank you for your attention.
  4. My username is Vicente (mensajesparapruebas@gmail.com), I have an account at johnny. My main domain is webvicente.tk and access has been suspended but I don't know why. I request the cancellation of the suspension or the reasons that caused it. Thank you
  5. Hello. I'm trying to access my account but I get a message saying: No response from server. Try again in a bit. What is the cause of the problem and how can I solve it? My username is mensajesparapruebas@gmail.com The server I use is Johnny And my main domain is: webvicente.tk
  6. My HelioHost username: mensajesparapruebas@gmail.com My account server is johnny My main HelioHost domain is webvicente.tk Hello. My account mensajesparapruebas@gmail.com has been suspended and I don't know why. Can you tell me the reason? It's probably a WordPress plugin that's been misconfigured on a specific page. If you re-enable my account I'll be able to fix the problem. Thanks.
  7. Hello. My account mensajesparapruebas@gmail.com has been suspended and I don't know why. Can you tell me the reason? It's probably a WordPress plugin that's been misconfigured on a specific page. If you re-enable my account I'll be able to fix the problem. Thanks.
  8. My account mensajesparapruebas@gmail.com has still been suspended and I don't know why. Could you tell me the reason so I can solve the problem and enable it again? Thank you
  9. Please can you enable my vicente account. I will solve any possible problems caused.
  10. Sorry for the inconvenience caused but surely my hal-9000 account has been hacked. I do not send email from that email account but I can solve it if they re-enable my user by deleting all the content of hal-9000 including the email and restoring a clean copy. I will install the necessary security measures to avoid a similar situation in the future, but if the user is not enabled I cannot correct it. I hope you have consideration. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your attention.
  11. Hello, my username is vicente. My email is mensajesparapruebas@gmail.com. My account has been suspended and I think it's a mistake. I have not violated any of the terms of service and request that my account be enabled. If I have violated any of the terms, I have not knowingly followed it. Tell me which one I have violated. Thank you.
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