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Everything posted by sankeith

  1. I will be porting his website over to a different provider. The others contains nearly no files and haven't been used in a long time. Therefore they could be removed if they are the ones causing the issue. I suspect the first two was probably quite a while back and when i needed another one in Tommy server i made it using a different email id i guess. Could you please send me the account names if possible?
  2. I know that this may be a confusion caused by usage of multiple accounts. I am aware that multiple accounts cannot be used in this hosting service but the other account is not mine it meant to be a business account for my relative just often managed by me. The payment of the both account was done by the same paypal account as well. The account was inactive for a while therefore i was about to re-login to unarchive the accounts. I have actually mentioned this issue in this forum when i was making the payment for the account.
  3. rride100@gmail.com And thanks in advance.
  4. Yes I understand. I am just paying for his account. The account linked to paypal is sangeethroshanek@gmail.com and i already have an account from that id. I just need the invite link sent to his email id.
  5. The donation for tommy servers provides the invitation link to the account registered with paypal . I already have an account in tommy but it showed the website will be transferred to tommy soon. The issue is that the person who need this account is not familiar with the setup so I am paying from my account for his website. it would be awesome if i could get the invitation link as it is instead of website transfer.
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